Meeting Timeline


August: Calls for proposals, performances, and seminar topics published.

1 October: Seminar topic proposals due.

November: Seminar topics announced.

mid-December: Annual meeting site goes live. Submission period starts.


18 February: Proposals for sessions and performances due.

15 March: Committee and Study Group proposals due.

mid-May: Program Committee decisions announced.

14 June: Deadline for editing accepted proposals and submitting Study Group and Committee Session information. 

30 June: Deadline for Eileen Southern Travel Grant applications.

1 July: Deadline for Membership and Professional Development Travel Grant applications.

1 August: Conference registration opens. Early registration starts.

mid-August: Performance Committee decisions announced.

1 September: Preliminary conference schedule available.

18 September: Deadline for exhibitoradvertiser and sponsor materials to appear in Preliminary (and Final) Conference Guide.

24 September: Study Group and Committee Chairs event updates due.

28 September: Session chair applications due.

2 October: Early registration ends. Regular registration starts.

8 October: Deadline for presenter registration.

2nd week of October: Exhibitors, sponsors, and networking/social event organizers granted access to the virtual event platform.

15 October: Deadline for presenters to submit presentation materials.

19 October: Deadline to submit music-themed drink recipes.

21 October: Deadline to register for the Buddy Program.

mid-October: Session Chair invitations sent.

23 October: Deadline for exhibitoradvertiser and sponsor materials to appear in Final Conference Guide.

Last week of October: Attendees and participants granted access to the virtual event platform.

28 October: Buddy Program matches to be announced.

30 October: Final conference schedule available.

4 November: Regular registration ends. 

7–8 and 14–15 November: AMS Virtual Annual Meeting.

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